may 04
conversion optimization strategy

Conversion rate optimization is simply figuring out why your website visitors are not converting to clients (or buyers). The important thing to remember is that regardless of where your traffic is coming from, there is a solution for converting it into sales. Additionally, it is important to not only build your traffic, but to also convert that traffic into monetary benefits so that your business can improve itself. The reality is simple: if you aren’t able to understand how to turn your browsers into buyers, then you are missing an opportunity to earn more income.

But why does a higher conversion rate even matter?

A higher conversion rate means that your company has a better return on investment. Once you can determine what is effectively converting your clients, you can begin applying a cost-effective strategy that betters your business. Remember: the goal is always growth. And you cannot grow without first concentrating on having a successful conversion rate optimization plan in place.

Step One: Educate Yourself about Your Numbers

It’s important to figure out what the numbers mean before trying to fix them. This means that you need to really sit down and dissect your analytics. Before you take the next step forward, you need to determine the current state of your website.  Only once you understand what the numbers actually mean should you make your plan of action.

It is a good idea to actually print out your current numbers so that you will have a means of comparison later. Let these numbers be your launching point into the future of your company.

Step Two: Set Your Goals

Don’t forget to set your priorities and goals, as well. Before you even begin optimizing your site, make a list of your biggest design issues.  Also, write down any other concerns that you are aware of from user surveys or customer service emails. The more that you are aware of in the beginning, the bigger opportunity you have for growth. Let yourself be open to changes and new opportunities you aren’t aware. And remember, you never know until you try.

As you set your goals, consider:

  • Where you want your business to be financially in the next quarter, in six months, in one year…
  • What a reasonable conversion rate looks like for your market,
  • What increase you would like to see in sales

Step Three: Try, Try Again

Your website is a process. And once you begin working on your plan of action, it may take some time to get your site where you actually want it to be. Patience and persistence are valued traits that will pay off in the long run.

Don’t be afraid to try out different programs, either. For example, Google Analytics is a great way for split testing more than one layout at a time. It also has a lot of new features, to try out, like new comparison capabilities and some small interface tweaks.

But also, don’t feel like you have to use Google Analytics. Other third party tools, like Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer,  can often be a great options to help monitor your site.

As you test, we highly recommend that you keep a record of everything you do. Get a blank journal and be sure to record the design changes you make, as well as the results you see from those changes. You may notice certain patterns, or realize that you should return to a previous design entirely.

If you’re ready to take the next step with your website be sure to check out for more information. If you’re a first time user with SEO Rank Monitor, we would love to offer you a free two week trial period to help you learn more.

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